Outpouring of the Holy Spirit Healing Center, Inc.
P.O. Box 580045
Orlando, FL 32858
Dr. Gary L. Grant, DD,Dmin. - Pastor
To press through at this time and as we move forward to proclaim that God is still in control and that this Gospel of the Kingdom must be preached into all the world. Still, saints be faithful and committed to the purpose of Christ Jesus, Death and Resurrection. That He is soon to return for his bride and when we see him face to face what a time of rejoicing it will be. No more suffering, pain and sorrows, sickness; it will all be over. So lift your hands right now and shout Lord, I still love you and adore you, and give you all the praise, glory and honor for your mercy that I'm still alive.
I am going to ask every one of you who have received this letter to pray with me now. We have an opportunity to purchase a church for the work of God and time is short. We have to have men and women who love the ministry to help us make the down payment so we can move forward with the sale. I'm praying and fasting that you can sow a seed faith offering to help us out with this. The down payment is Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000,00) and we have a short time to do this. I believe God, and for those who have been blessed by this work of faith, I am asking 40 people to sow a $1,000.00 seed. Some of God believers may be able to sow $500.00; others may be able to sow $100.00. It would be a great blessing at this time. The cost of the project is $110,000.00, plus there are repairs that are needed to be done on the building.
Remember, no gift is too small. Pray about helping us. All your gifts are tax deductible. We are also having a Book of Remembrance printed with your name in it to be placed on our Wall of Faith.
I am expecting to hear from you soon. Please send all gifts to Outpouring of the Holy Spirit Healing Center (or Outpouring HSHC) ROB 580045, Orlando, FL 32858; email: Drgarygrant52@yahoo.com or garygrant1959@gmail.com or you can call Sister Tomeka McCutchen at 407-516-2020 for credit card use only. You are also able to use Cash App to tentman59 or call Zelle is a direct deposit only phone number (407-304-9059) to Outpouring of the Holy Spirit Healing Center's account.
Continue to look up for our Redemption Draweth Nigh.
Love Always, Pastor Gary Grant
I am praying for you and thanks a million times.